Enju - A fast, accurate, and deep parser for English

How to use Enju

To parse sentences, put a file (having one sentence per line) to the standard input. For example, when you have the file "RAWTEXT" that contains:

He runs the company.
The company that he runs is small.

Run the following command.


Parsing results are output to the file "RESULTS". The demo page shows you some examples of parsing results.

You can alternatively use a high-speed parser by using the command "mogura"

% mogura < RAWTEXT > RESULTS

These commands work in mostly the same way.

When you want to parse texts already tagged with Penn Treebank-style POS tags,


The default output of the parser is a set of predicate-argument relations. Alternatively, you can get both the phrase structures and predicate-argument relations either in a quasi-XML format or in a stand-off format.

% enju -xml < RAWTEXT > RESULTS
% enju -so < RAWTEXT > RESULTS

You can also use Enju as a CGI server.

% enju -cgi PORT_NUMBER

You can access to the port PORT_NUMBER with a CGI query, and receive parsing results in the XML format.


For further details on the output formats, see the manuals.